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Preparation meeting before snowfall

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calendar December 21, 2022 calendar From 10:00 am to 12:00 pm calendar Bsharri Municipalities Union Building calendar General

A meeting was held in the Union building headed by His Excellency the District Commissioner of Becharre, Ruba Shafshaq, the President of the Union, Mr. Elie Makhlouf, mayors and leaders of the security services (Army Intelligence, State Security, Public Security and the Internal Security Forces) in the Becharre district, the Civil Defense and the Red Cross, and the head of the Public Works Office in Bsharri and the head of the Association of Mayors and its administrative body. Security, development, administrative and health issues related to the Bcharre district were discussed. A pre-emptive coordination plan was developed before the snowfall between the Ministry of Works and the Union of Municipalities and Security Services so that the judiciary is fully prepared the service of citizens to receive the white visitor.