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Strida Geagea inaugurated the Bekaa Kafra Agricultural Lake: Our goal is to keep our people rooted in their land

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calendar March 02, 2023 calendar Environment, Touristic calendar Bqaa Kafra

A member of the “Strong Republic” bloc, Representative Strida Geagea, affirmed, during the inauguration ceremony of the Beqaa Kafra agricultural lake after its rehabilitation by the “Cedar Mountain Foundation”, that “it is fulfilling its duty towards our people, and its belief that our survival in our land is the main bet for the survival of Lebanon.” The president and members of the Bekaa Kafra Municipality Council, for their decision to name the lake after it.

She pointed out that “our promise is not complete unless it is fulfilled, and our dream is not fulfilled unless it becomes a reality, and our words are only crystallized by action. We have said what we said in the parliamentary elections, and here we are implementing and continuing to implement what we said, because our permanent motto is “our words and actions.” .

Geagea emphasized that “one of the most important goals of the Cedar Mountain Foundation is to keep our people rooted in their land, and what we provide in terms of social, food, health, educational, and other assistance is to consolidate the people of Al-Jubbeh in their villages, in light of what we are witnessing of migration, displacement, and the emptying of our villages from its people.” How much more so for the town of Bekaa Kafra, which has always proven its loyalty to the cause and its commitment to its principles and sacrifices for the sake of freedom, faith and dignity.”

And she stressed that “in light of the absence of the state, or even in light of its absence, and in light of the dire economic and financial situation, and in light of the living crisis that the Lebanese are going through, the “Cedar Mountain Foundation” has taken it upon itself to stand by our people in a human judgment in necessary life matters. The most important of which are: food aid, medical and hospital aid, educational aid for about 1,000 students annually, social assistance, and the completion of the two vital projects for the region, namely: working to finish the second and final phase of Antoine El Khoury Queen Touq-Bishri Governmental Hospital so that our people will have a hospital worthy of them (and the cost has reached The total amount is about 3,500,000 US dollars), and this project will be inaugurated with its completion next year under the auspices of the Maronite Patriarch Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rahi, and secondly, the maintenance and expansion of the agricultural pond in the town of Bekaa Kafra, because of its importance in the steadfastness of our people in their land, and to avoid a human and environmental catastrophe in the region due to some cracks that have been addressed.”
