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He received the caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati

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He received the caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati

calendar March 15, 2023 calendar Bsharre

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati received, this afternoon at the Grand Serail, Representative Strida Geagea, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the High Relief Commission, Major General Muhammad Khair. The meeting discussed the sabotage of the escalator in the Al-Arz area and the resulting damages.
After the meeting, Representative Geagea stated, “My visit today falls within the framework of what happened in the Cedars and the great vandalism that unfortunately occurred on the ground. I came today to thank Prime Minister Mikati for sending Major General Muhammad Khair to inspect the damages, and I wished him compensation, even with a part of the amount owed to the company.” The affected people, although I am aware that the state is going through a very difficult stage as a result of the economic, financial and monetary conditions, and I demanded the possibility of compensation because rice is a public utility for all Lebanese and we want to launch the skiing season from its wide door. Well, I thank him again, and I thank Major General Khair, the mayor of Bcharre, and all those concerned who uncovered all the damage.